After a long journey across space and time, you've arrived at a
Distant Land
Hello and welcome! I, the author of this amateurish personal website, appreciate your visit.
This is a Pokémon-related fan site. I aim to provide useful, easy-to-understand information related to managing your Pokémon collection in the main series of video games.
Distant Land currently features a functional EV training planner tool for Pokémon Scarlet/Violet. There's also a complete guide for how to obtain egg moves on your Pokémon without breeding in Scarlet/Violet. Additional future content is under consideration; I hope to write more guides, etc. as time and interest allows.
Ideas for things I might make in the future include:
- Detailed move info lookup
- Explanations of some poorly-documented features of Pokémon Home
- Stat mechanics explanations
- EV build suggestion tool for tera raids
- Breeding guides
- IV calculator
- Event proofing/collector's guides
- A personal info section to show off my own Pokémon collection
I've created Distant Land as a simple hobby project to help me learn web-related skills such as CSS. All information presented is accurate to the best of my knowledge. This website is not AI-generated, and is ad-free, and will remain so for the forseeable future.